Thursday, February 28, 2008

VisualWattch from the Interactive Institute

The Interactive Institute in Sweden is developing (as a concept or in practice is not clear to me) interfaces that promote energy-as-a-service. The brief description claims that the Wattch project
will "allow [users] to see, understand, monitor and control their domestic consumption." They have a short video (in Swedish, but easily understood) showing an energy monitor as a sort of EKG on an iPhone. These guys are hip, and they have been into this stuff for a while. I'm not sure how well it motivates users, but it looks good. They have a bunch of cool designs as part of their Static! project, and some of the designs--like the power-aware cord--look like they might actually go into production. Other work in a similar vein is happening through their Aware project, such as a light switch that looks more aesthetically pleasing in the "off" position.

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