Friday, March 21, 2008

EnerSure Installation Tips

After Ethan's last post explaining the details of the installation process, I thought it would be a good idea to summarize some of the lessons we've learned so far.
So here's a summary of what we learned from the new EnerSure installation on the 123 wing of Porter Hall:
  • Besides physical space and easy access to the individual circuits in the electric panel, here are the other most obvious requirements for installation:

    • Network connection (a cable from the EnerSure unit to a network outlet)

    • Power supply (a power outlet for a three-prong adapter that powers the unit)

    • Make note of the MAC address of the Digi Connect ME serial to ethernet adapter that comes in the processor module of the EnerSure.

    • Make sure there are enough data gathering modules for all the circuits that will be measured from the panel.

    • Configure the jumpers in the data gathering modules according to the phases in which the circuits are in the panel. Also set the jumpers that number the different data gathering modules accordingly.

  • Do the last three steps before assembling all the modules together. Only after making sure it is all correct, you can put them together.

  • Test the unit before mounting it. Run the latest version of TPConfig over the network, setup the unit via this software (ModBus address, CT type, circuit phases, etc).

  • Run your logging daemon (in our case thermd) and make sure it works (also before mounting the unit and connecting the CTs). The latest version of thermd allows us to specify the ModBus address for the unit, which was a source of problems.

  • Label all the CTs with numbers on both ends of the wire.

  • Mount the EnerSure, connect all the cables, and power it up.

  • Listo.

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